Omaha Scooter Accident Lawyers
Were You Injured by an Electric Scooter?
The electric scooter trend has made its way to Omaha. This new form of transportation has its advantages but is not without its risks. Numerous people have been injured while riding a scooter or by someone riding a scooter. When this happens, you could be entitled to compensation. These accidents can result in serious injuries that require hefty medical expenses, time off work, and physical rehabilitation. The person responsible for the accident needs to be held accountable.
The electric scooter program in Omaha began with Lime and Spin. You can find these scooters all over the city. At Burnett Legal Group, our experienced scooter accident attorneys have been studying scooter accident cases so that we can provide our clients with the knowledgeable representation they need.
If you have been injured by an electric scooter, call our scooter accident attorneys in Omaha today at (402) 810-8611. You can also contact us online.
Who Is Liable in a Scooter Accident?
In most personal injury cases, it is an insurance company, not an individual, who is responsible for compensating the victims. Scooter cases are a little different in that the scooter company’s liability is much more limited than usual. There are cases where the responsibility of compensating the victim is left to the individual. However, there are many different circumstances in scooter accidents.
Types of scooter accidents and potentially liable parties include:
- Pedestrian accidents where someone is hit by the scooter. The scooter rider is usually liable.
- Scooter malfunctions where an injury is caused by a defect. The scooter company is usually liable.
- Car accidents where a scooter rider is injured by a vehicle. The driver is usually held liable unless their insurance provider covers scooter accidents, in which case the insurance company bears the responsibility.
- Property accidents where the scooter rider is injured by hazards in a public, scooter-friendly space. The property owner is usually held liable.
There are more variables involved in a scooter accident than the typical personal injury case. Make sure you have an attorney who has the time, resources, and knowledge to perform a thorough investigation and build a solid case.
Reach out to the skilled Omaha scooter accident lawyers at Burnett Legal Group today by calling (402) 810-8611.